Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Highway of Harper

The Stephen Harper Conservative campaign bus and entourage rolls down Highway 401 into Toronto. His slogan is "Harper here for Canada". He is not here to answer questions though - even the big one - Does Stephen Harper like squirrels?

Conservatives continue to lead the polls, Liberals are crashing and Layton is gaining momentum as we come down to the wire on election day May 2, 2011 (9:30am to 9:30pm ET in Toronto, ps this is what ID you need to vote). I say Layton because everyone seems to like Jack Layton more than the NDP party he leads. I think that the perfect combination for this election might have been with Jack Layton leading the Liberals (Hey, if Rae can do it) instead of the NDP. He might want to do this until Justin gets a little older and snatches the prize himself.

For predictions of this election check out the Election Prediction Project.
Photos taken by passenger Adam Ostrowski on the 401.

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